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Winpinator: fast file transfer tool, easy to use, no config needed.

Winpinator is a free open-source tool designed for transferring files quickly between devices on the same network. Its high transfer speed ensures that you can send or receive any file in record time. If you are in need of an efficient file-sharing tool for your computers, Winpinator is the perfect solution for you. One of the key advantages of Winpinator is its ease of use, as it requires no complex configurations. Simply input the password of the desired computer to establish a connection and start transferring files instantly. Additionally, Winpinator can automatically detect all devices on the network, eliminating the need for manual searches. This software is equipped with various libraries including wxWidgets, gRPC, and OpenSSL, providing advanced encryption capabilities and secure file transfer options. Download Winpinator today to benefit from its powerful features and streamline your file-sharing process. Save time and effort by seamlessly transferring any type of file between devices on the same network with Winpinator.

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